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I have a new raccoon


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I have just been given the most beautiful Raccoon long fur coat...


It is so soft and the colours are rich and rusty....


It is just so dreamy and it was a gift to boost my photos on my website.. so I am going to be shooting Raccoon looks all day today....


I really am the luckiest girl in the world...


a huge to kiss to the person who sent me the raccoon... you know who you are...


kisses to you all




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I'm sure you will have lots of fun shooting today, whilst the rest of us go to work! Good on you for making it your work.

I'm a big believer in enjoying work, and if you don't, change it. You are very lucky to have made a career from something you obviously enjoy so much judging by your many posts here.

It is so refreshing to have more active female members in the den.


What is racoon like? Never seen it before. Is it long haired? I imagine it to be fairly course, not as soft as fox or similar.

Any one able to cast a light for me?

999 xxx

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Congrats, Bandy! I've got a silver tipped raccoon coat too and just love it. It's not quite as soft as fox, but it doesn't have the 'coarse-ness' that coyote does.


Fur999... check this out - http://cgi.ebay.com/HOODED-MINT-SilverTipped-RACCOON-Fur-GORGEOUS-COAT_W0QQitemZ160240598366QQihZ006QQcategoryZ63862QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem



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Well wow.. that is a great coat with a hood.. my racoon doesn't have a hood but it is delicious just the same.. it is in a deep brown and red/tan colour mixture..it is so soft you could sleep in it for weeks...it is just amazing...





I only wish I had a career ....My website is just a hobby..it makes a little money to help pay for costumes etc etc but it is far from a system of money making or a career... it is what i do for fun and that is why I enjoy sharing it so much with you guys... I am just a normal housewife and mother of two.. nothing more.. nothing less..my site is running because of the 'friend' basis I have with my few members...we are all supporting my site to create an artistic and fur paradise..





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Brandy, You deserve it for all your participation in the forum and your website on our behalf... And FLinFL that IS one special coat... if I only my wife would be that size... dream on...

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Thanks RonGav..


I love sharing my furry world with you guys...it makes me happy that we are all just one big happy family... and your support Ron is helping me no end in running my site... thanks





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