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Say, I would like some info from our old faithfuls here

White Fox

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This is to do with an area here that will be of interest to new members when completed possibly, but it is really for the "Old faithful members" who go way back.


As you may have seen we have been wanting to put a summary on site of some (could we dream to find all?) of the fur sites on the internet since the Fur Fetish and fashion sites began. A little info on when they began. A bit of text on what their focus was. etc.


Well - finally we have began the project. This beginning is with the help of Mad Man Fox. We owe him so much here for this! New members, you may enjoy this too.



Now then, here is what I am hoping. You can PM me, email me, contact any staff member, or leave a post in this thread. Which ever you wish.


I am hoping that if you know of any old sites that are not listed here that you give us any info that you know about them. What the name was. Do you know any approximate dates? Any general description of the site, or more detail of any sort?


Do you have own site not listed on the list, or do you have more info on one of the sites?


We are primarily looking for sites that are "Gone to that great internet grave yard in the sky", but sites still existing are welcome as well.


Please help us to make this list as complete as possible. I think that we owe it to the original designers of these web sites to try to preserve this little bit of internet history. And to remember the work that they did to "Blaze the Trail" for others to follow.


We would be so very grateful if you would help us out here.


White Fox

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The absolute first ones I remember when doing my searches in 1994 were AOL member sites, "ELFNUM1" AND "ELFNUM2." (actually, may have been elfnumone and elfnumtwo). He had incredible pictures, but only a handful.


There was also a site called "the fur coat club" which had about 20 or so women posing on a limo--they were a group of fashion minded ladies who got together to wear their furs.


After that, of course, was Mikhail's and NTCweb. But those are my earliest memories.

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WF -- I'll have to think about it and see if I can recall any that aren't listed -- But wanted to go ahead and say "What a great idea!"


You da man.

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One I remember that I don't see described here featured a series of pics (some very large) of the same dark haired lady in sable, mink, chinchilla, and fox. The one I most remember showed her seated clutching the chinchilla coat behind a coffee table.


I wonder if the owner may have been very aggressive about others not posting the photos because I don't run across them elsewhere. It's been years since I saw the site up.


Don't know whether that's enough to jog anyone here's memory who may have known the site better and maybe even got to know its owner.


I have recollections of that fur club or fur coat club and its famous group photo. Have a copy of it. Doesn't look like a limo they're posing with, but it's not the car I'm interested in anyway! It looks like it must've been taken in late spring or early summer. There's deep shade in the background from trees in full leaf, and the models are mostly holding up rather than wearing their furs. If you look really carefully in the shady background, you can almost see some roped-off rubberneckers. Has the flavor of a campus/sorority something or other.

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Didn't Mr B have a website up as 'Barguzin's Furs' or something similar. I see you've listed Mrs B, but wasn't a separate site also up?



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one that I remember has been around for a long time, is not on the list and which

is still active to this day is




Surely, the administrator must be one of the denizens?


The hosted pictures are good quality fur fashion pictures.


I'm not entirely certain how long back this site goes; according to it's own "site history"

it's been at the present site since 2003, but I seem to recall it's been elsewhere quite a

bit before that. Someone should probably contact the site administrator to find out?




- he64

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I recall an interesting but short-lived site called "Men In Furs" that was owned by Bill "Mifman". It's focus was men's fur fashion. I think it fizzled after ~1 year ... But I enjoyed it while it lasted. Great photos and links. I used some of the photos as a reference when designing one of my coats.

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Mad Man Fox indeed was the one to help me begin this area. but you are absolutely correct. His site should be there! Even though it is still active today it is still a very big part of the fur sites history.


Was thinking of the "Men in Furs" site as well. Glad you could remember the details. I'll include that also. I'll try to get back at this within the next couple of days


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Ok. An update for all


I have brought much of the page up to date again with what we know.


There is a new site at the very top mentioned as the "First" by BrGr. Thus, it is on top now.


Mad Man Fox's site has been inserted near the top. It deserves that position.


I will try to remember to contact Mr Barg about his sites. There are indeed two at least. Almost seems to me that there were three. Please do not let me forget this! The need indeed be on the list.


I will contact Mad Man and Eric for descriptions and more info on their sites. Since they are the owners they deserve to be able to do that.




One I remember that I don't see described here featured a series of pics (some very large) of the same dark haired lady in sable, mink, chinchilla, and fox. The one I most remember showed her seated clutching the chinchilla coat behind a coffee table.


I wonder if the owner may have been very aggressive about others not posting the photos because I don't run across them elsewhere. It's been years since I saw the site up.


Don't know whether that's enough to jog anyone here's memory who may have known the site better and maybe even got to know its owner.


Does anyone remember any more about this? Would be nice to include it in the list.

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That sounds like the venerable Madame Lynx, or however she was known. 'Lynx' was a contributor to Mikhail's Soft Spot for years...I last saw her name pop up in his discussion forum around 2004 or 2005. I believe she was Italian.


I have a few of her pictures on my old computer (the resolution...terrible of course), but I do believe we should start a continuous archive of these old photos.


And I really want to see that limo picture, frugal! If you have a copy of it, upload it to the gallery! Or email it to me at [email protected]!



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