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Fur Wearing Day


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Today, where I live is an absolutely fabulous fur wearing day. It never ceases to amaze me that women stop wearing their furs come the beginning of April. The temp is 45F and the sun is out. I have an area near my home where I can go privately and wear my furs without anyone observing me. Because I enjoy wearing women's furs this provides the only opportunity to enjoy the sensation of fur when worn outside and gives me a sense of what a woman feels when she wears her furs. I can't imagine women can give up the opportunity to wear their furs so soon. What a fabulous feeling a fur coat provides this time of year. There is nothing like the cold feeling of fur on your hands and neck and where the sun shines on it the fur becomes warm and soothing. If you can, get out there and enjoy.



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My sentiments exactly, and very well stated blackwillo.

I do not put my furs up for summer vacation until June, and even then I hold back on many of the lighter weight minks etc. in case of cold nights. I think for many women it is the sense that summer is coming that is looked forward to, so by putting away winter things it may hasten it's arrival a bit. I have no desire for summer, so this does not apply for me.

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Cold damp winds are still ablowin' off the Sound so I'm still wearing my fur lined jackets.


Just got my sheared Mink lined lambskin so I'm getting plenty of opportunities to wear it.






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It is chilly here as well. I'm heading out for my evening constitutional ... After I head to the closet and liberate one of my beloved furs.

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Why can't any of you gentlemen who wear furs be around my neck of the woods?

I must admit I did see a few guys in furs this winter...mainly mink or coyote, but still not enough. Sigh.

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Im just down the road.. well several hundred miles


Why can't any of you gentlemen who wear furs be around my neck of the woods?

I must admit I did see a few guys in furs this winter...mainly mink or coyote, but still not enough. Sigh.

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Another unseasonable blast of cold damp weather


Even snowed in Seattle and north.


getting to try out my new Crystal Fox lined Denim jacket




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getting to try out my new Crystal Fox lined Denim jacket


OFF -- Probably a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway -- I'm assuming you lined a standard jacket (versus having one made with a crystal fox lining in mind) and that you lined the whole jacket (including the sleeves) ... If that is the case is the jacket comfortable to wear/easy to move around in? Just curious ... The fur on my crystal fox coat is so thick I'm having trouble imagining it as a full coat/jacket lining unless the sleeves/shoulder had been adjusted to accomodate the fur lining.


I have thought seriously of having a fur lined jacket made for me. I tried on a coyote lined jacket in NYC that was only lined in the body (to decrease overall bulk/weight of the jacket) and based upon that experience decided that if I have one made I would definitely want a full fur lining.


Again, just curious. Have a good weekend.

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The Denim I got a Levi Truckers jacket which is extra full in cut so the fur lined sleeves would work.


My Carhartt, the Bill Blass Beaver lined and several others the sleeves are fur lined too.


Some of the other jackets I have the sleeves are not fur lined for that reason.


I found you have to pay close attention to teh cut of the jacket for fur lining the sleeves and also to make sure there is plenty of room around the chest and across the back to make sure it's full for the fur lining. That was my very first mistake.


I have the 'worst' situation of having broad shoulders, long arms and full in the chest so it's very critical for getting a jacket to fit full to line.


On my agenda s to have a hooded Buckskin jacket made to line wit Stone Marten that I already have.



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We're supposed to have a cold spell next weekend ... Probably my last fur wearing opportunity of the season. I'm tentatively planning to put my furs in storage the first weekend of May.

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