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Mr B!


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Is it just me, or has anyone noticed Mr B's reappearance on the Net with his sudden splurge of images on the Gallery?


If this is so, it must be a warm welcome back to him from the internet desert and so I'd like to say 'Welcome back'.


(Just for reference to 'Off', I love the internet set-up, the only question is whats it like lying face down all the time???)



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Brandy, Mr B was a fellow Aussie who had computer issues. He has come back to the fold when computer access has allowed, but if he is now putting images on the gallery, does this mean he is back more permanently.


Perhaps I have got it wrong and the images I am seeing are old images of his?



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I just checked, and went back to the fifteenth of February, and did not see any photo posts by him. Unfortunately, I think that you might have gotten your setting in reverse so you are looking at the first posted photos rather than the last.


As mentioned, it would indeed be good to have him back again. He was a fantastic asset to the Fur loving community.



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I missed WF's post, so I did the same check, Auzmink. No Mr B.


Brandy, it is sad, our newer members don't know many of our great fur site pioneers. Their contributions were incredible and they will not be forgotten. That is why we formed a Hall of Fame.


Go to our archives and read some of his posts. He was a character!! Once in awhile he stops in for a post here-and-there.



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