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my first furrier experience


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Well I had to go back up to Columbus to finish with the application process of my new job. After having a few pints and watching the England vs. Switzerland match I went to Robert Scott Furs in Worthington.


It was quite an enjoyable experience. Rhonda was the saleswoman who showed me a few coats. It's probably a good thing that I had a few pints of Carlsberg because I'm sure I would have had a you know . I liked the long haired beaver coat that I tried on the best. It looked like it matched me well but the sheared beaver was the softest that I tried on. There was not a big selection of men furs there with it being late in the season so I didn't get to try on any foxes.


She measured me and said to drop by anytime to say hi or whatever. So they definitely go on the list .



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whats the deal with all these similar websites?

you probably have seen more than 10 different websites, from different companies with the same design and online-store

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Many Shops use FBLG pictures.


These you will find in our Gallery in very large format.


I still have to mark them all so they will come up in any search.





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A company can use not only their pictures, but their whole web site format. I think they more or less rent that "Format" to receive a nice looking web site.


There are positives.

You can imagine that if you had not seen another fur web site and saw that format you would love it. FAQ. Videos of each product. All kind of neat stuff in there.


They change the colours, pictures, etc around a bit in order to make them look different. Some have "Designer links", and departments where others don't, etc.


If you look in our links area on the page "Information Sources", just under your e site with the banner (hope it is ok that we used your banner there too), you will see the web site of the company Fblg. You will indeed notice the style of their own web site.


Actually first time I saw one of their sites, I thought it was tremendous. However, after you see endless numbers they do become very "Tired".


The key though I think is that we need to think of it from their perspective. That is,they want the web site for a possible customer in their area. It is unllikely that this customer will have saw any other web sites like this as they will only search in their own area. Thus, probably the idea is not as bad as we think. That is why I still gave them the high rating. I would be especially interested to know what members think we should rate them. I have thought of dropping their rating to "5" indeed for all of them.


One strange part is why they have shrunken the site down in size as they have. Just does not make sense.


By the way, there is one site made by them at least that is pretty much different from the rest. It is called "Tendler Furs" I believe. It was just put on our list last night.


It is interesting that this site dates to 2006. I've not had time to check dates of others to know if this is a new format or if someone has paid them more money to design a more personal web site.


By the way, just last night I posted a small partial explanation of this at the top of the "Furrier" page. Also, never will a "Forum web site" beat a personal site like yours. The "Personal touch" can never be imitated.



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It really worked with my complexion and stuff like that. Even with only trying a few coats I really want one now. Even if its one on ebay. They said they do cleaning, custom fitting, alterations, repairs, and custom furs and fur accessories.


Robert Scott Furs

7044 Worthington-Galena Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 841-1895

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