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So nice to see you on site!!


How are you doing Girlfriend??


Many of our newer members don't know the Queen of fur passion!!


Sure nice to see your name pop up!!!


Give us an update!!



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Hi Linda & everybody,

Well there's not much news from us. The winter's been really lame! My furs are getting a lot of "indoor use" but it's not been cold enough to wear them outside. Right now it's 59 and raining! Yuck!

We're considering a relocation for work and unfortunately it might be southward. Dave just got back from an interview in VA & we're looking in NC too. There is a remote chance for a job in Anchorage, which would be SWEEEEEEET, but it's a long shot.

Ther'e no fur news, we're saving like mad for the move and for our girls' college. Alas, no new furs for a while. (Although if we go to AK, I'm promised a fireplace and a fur blanket! Yummy!)

How're things with you, Linda?



Janey D.

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Hey Janey...


Va - all kinds of neat history.


NC. Beautiful mountains. Canoe and hiking country. Might even see Dolly!


But then there is Alaska. There you might even get to see AK. (AKcoyote)


Come to think of it. I've seen him. You might think of Dolly instead.


Sorry AK, could not resist


Indeed Alaska would be beautiful country. What a fantastic place to locate to. Sure different after living in NY area.



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Anchorage weather can be unpredictable. Last winter, I think I only wore my coyote parka about 10-15 days all winter. This winter I have worn it almost daily the past 4 weeks.



if you don't move here, at least consider a winter vacation to Anchorage. The events during Fur Rondy in late February and the first days of March offer several opportunities to wear your furs. http://www.furrondy.net/

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Heya Janey - welcome back!! Your presence has been missed (well, I have missed it ), and I hope you do come visit our little furry 'ville more often!!


Great news about you moving to somewhere mor econdusive to all things furry! Was gonna ask if you could get some pix of the scenery up there once you've made the move...



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Heya Janey


Just sent you a PM to let you know what's been happening as of late. Am kinda hoping we can get back into chatting every now and again, if that's ok?


Am damn glad you're back!!



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