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Fur Article ...


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I mentioned that I was going to post some links to interesting info in our library now and then. I was thinking the next would come a month or so from now.


But JG, your post brought this link to mind immediately. Some of the comments in it about fur and cold weather. The comments of certain so called "rights" organizations, etc.


Folks have a look at this article. It was written 60 years ago. I think you will see the amazing similarities. No, no animal rights stuff. But re the industry in general, and links to weather, etc. I just find the similarities almost stunning.




And after you read it you can think " The industry is still alive and well after all of those dire predictions so long ago". I just find it interesting that the industry has been dogged by some of these comments for so long.


Once again, as our Library begins to have more and more information, I think you will find it quite interesting just "walking around and looking" there. It can be a rather fascinating place to spend a Sunday afternoon.



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Interesting thread ...


posted 1/18/08 @ 9:25 PM PST

I am a little confused about what peta is protesting...is it the way animals are killed for their fur or the wearing of the fur in general? If peta is concerned about the way the animals are killed....would it then be acceptable to wear fur if the animal was euthanized? Many other people dont realize that if wearing fur is wrong then the wearing of ANY animal or the eating of ANY animal should be considered just as wrong...lets take a guess at how many members of peta have a pair of ugg boots? how about shoes or handbags made of leather. If peta wants to complain about the mistreatment of animals regarding fur...maybe they should start with something that everyone wears....lets be honest fur is obviously a sign of social standing and wealth. How many college students can afford to wear fur...not many. Maybe this isnt about the fur at all but the feeling of inferiority of not being able to afford it? Either way, lower class----start small aka those leather shoes you bought on sale at sears.

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If you were ever in Eugene you would not be surprised by this.


However I visit a very dear friend I've known since college who lives in Eugene and we go all about town with me wearing what is obviously real fur and the only comments I get are complementary.




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That article is a lot of bunk. We have had our best year ever! Women are flocking to have custom furs and shearlings made for them. With more snow this year than the East Coast has had in 30 years, fashionable women are pulling on the furs to keep warm. We had a text message from a client in NY who was wearing her new fur for the first time in the snow last week, she said she felt gorgeous and was toasty warm.

We have hardly had time to visit the fur den because we are in the cutting and fitting room filling all our orders.

Folks, we live in a very rural area in Maine...last month we sold two sheared beaver swing coats to local customers in addition to taking five orders for shearling coats. Fur is not only for city women!

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It is so great to hear reports like that after so much negativity. I do think also that it mostly is "Negativity", and not "Actuality". The industry just needs to "Get with it". You only realize when you do a project like we just did with links here how poor so many of the furrier's web sites are for instance. How badly they have gone wrong trying to upgrade styles and instead brought out a bunch of crap. etc. Web sties like you folk have, and Mailon have, are so inviting for instance.


As to the article, you are correct. It is hard for a so called "Environmentalist" to write a piece that is evenly balanced. It just does not come out that way even if they try. They did at least try in this case though and I will give them a lot of credit. It is not often that happens. But their colours do show through.



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It is hard for a so called "Environmentalist" to write a piece that is evenly balanced.


That's because the only qualifications to be an "environmentalist" is be a tree-hugging hippie.


90% of the people who claim to be "environmentalists" don't know what they are talking about.

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You are sooo correct worker


The fur industry has finally gotten on the PR bandwagon of being Environmentalists. They really are.


The so called environmentalists run around wearing half a barrel of oil.




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I bet a lot of these so-called "environmentalists" have never even camped out in their own back yards as kids, let alone spent a night sleeping out in the woods!


I've got a step brother who actually LIVES in a tent out in the woods of Montana, just off the border of Yellowstone Park. When the winter weather gets too cold he packs in his gear and heads up to Bozeman, MT and gets himself a part time job so he can earn enough money to rent himself a cottage to hole-up in until spring. He would NEVER claim to be any kind of environmentalist yet he laughs at the tree hugging hippies who come to Yellowstone to play "enviro-tourist" for a few days.


He often makes a few extra bucks as a native guide for hunters and fishermen who think they can be like Norman McLean from the book/movie "A River Runs Through It." We often hear stories from him about the people he takes out to the woods and the stupid things they do.


His most often-told story is when the elk come into rut. When that happens, they can be pretty aggressive... and they are NOT afraid of us puny humans! These enviro-idiots will try to walk right up to them and pet them and take their pictures. My brother will just stand there and say, "Ummm... I wouldn't do that if I were you..." The answer is always, "Oh? Why not?"


It's right about then that the elk lets out a loud bellow and charges right at them!


My brother just stands there and smiles, "That's why!" as the elk chases the terrified tree hugger all over Yellowstone Park!


He says these idiots are lucky they don't get killed!


With people like that running around, pretending to be Grizzly Adams and spouting off about how "wonderful" the environment is it's no wonder that people haven't got a clue about how fur is really made!

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His most often-told story is when the elk come into rut. When that happens, they can be pretty aggressive... and they are NOT afraid of us puny humans! These enviro-idiots will try to walk right up to them and pet them and take their pictures. My brother will just stand there and say, "Ummm... I wouldn't do that if I were you..." The answer is always, "Oh? Why not?"


It's right about then that the elk lets out a loud bellow and charges right at them!


My brother just stands there and smiles, "That's why!" as the elk chases the terrified tree hugger all over Yellowstone Park!


He says these idiots are lucky they don't get killed!


With people like that running around, pretending to be Grizzly Adams and spouting off about how "wonderful" the environment is it's no wonder that people haven't got a clue about how fur is really made!


Well, your step-brother's story fits well with the comment I heard yesterday during a show about Yellowstone on the Travel Channel; 'If the wildlife notices you...you are too close!'

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Another article ... New York this time ...




And another ... From the UK ... With some interesting tidbits ...


Fur farms were made illegal in 2003 on grounds of offending "public morality"


mink and sable can remain in mint condition for 100 years if kept in a cold room

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Can you wear oil with a clear conscience? should be more the question.


A huge number of folks have no problem with that including most Anti-fur folks.







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