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Ok so I joined this new free dating site made by a guy from BC Canada. http://www.plentyoffish.com. They have this new seduction questionare for compatibility and they list fetishes that would turn you on and such. Third from this list is Doraphilia which is well the "disease" we all have . Maybe this is a site all of us single people should join.

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Why Doraphillia?


Most descriptions come from a latin based idium...example arachnophobia.. the fear of arachnobes.. ie spiders..


Where does the Dora come from?....





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Since you asked, here is the answer;


doraphilia - Sexuoerotic arousal and fetishistic fondness for the smell and feel of animal skin, fur, and leather.


Etymology: From dora , skin - philia , attachment to.



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There is another word for fur. Might be latin. I have seen it used with another suffix like that.


Phillo or some such word. I'll have to have a look in our "Fur in other languages" area when I get a moment.


Believe it or not it was mentioned in the old tv show "Price is Right".


I'll try to think of it if I can. Phillomania or something like that.



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There is another word for fur. Might be latin. I have seen it used with another suffix like that.


Phillo or some such word. I'll have to have a look in our "Fur in other languages" area when I get a moment.


Believe it or not it was mentioned in the old tv show "Price is Right".


I'll try to think of it if I can. Phillomania or something like that.




Latin words for fur:


capillus/capilli: Hair; Hair of head; Single hair; Hair/fur/wool of animals; Hair-like Fiber;


reno/renonis: Reindeer-skin; Deer skin garment; Fur cloak;


castorinatus/castorinata/castorinatum: Clothed in beaver fur;


Added later by Worker 11811


I did some looking around in my Latin dictionary.


The latin root "phila" or "fila" means "thread, string, filament, fiber; texture, style, nature;"


The neo-latin suffix "mania" means "craze".


Thus, the construct "philamania" can mean "texture-crazy".

However, I think that word would be pejorative in general use and it's meaning would be too broad to apply specifically to fur.


BTW: "Renonis" is the code word I tag pictures with when I post stories or pictures on the internet.

Edited by Guest
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- The uncontrollable urge to watch a certain daytime talkshow.


Linda's posting jokes ... FL's cracking jokes ... OFF's posting potential bargains ... Things are looking up around here!

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Not too well so far linda , but hopefully moving to Columbus will help that situation out. I was single for five years in between two relationships. I just finished one in November that was horrible and also one of the reasons I "disappeared" from this site. I just do not want to end up single for that long again.

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