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Brandy's new pictures... what do you think?


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This fur coat was a gift from a fan who begged me to shoot a period set of photo's.. I posted some freebies into the gallery here a while back..but now my own website's free view area has the rest on show..


What do you guys think?








The photos remain on the free area for about a week and then will go to the members only area.. remember if you want to join my site then there are 100's of sexy erotic fur piccies of me in there.. if you don't want to join.. well that is cool too...I just love being your 'FUR' friend..


kisses to all who use this site..




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Thanks FLinFL..


I am having a bit of an arty moment when it comes to my fur piccies...


I am having so much fun again with photos's.. it is unfair


Not to mention all the fur videos for sale on my site also...


and with the fur den back up and running.. I am in Fur heaven..




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Very much a 1940's pinup style of photography with a modern flare.

(i.e. An actual 1940's pinup wouldn't show as much skin.)


The contrast range and the filed-out aperture plate border effect of those pictures reminds me of the old automated photo booths that you used to find in penny arcades. (Although they rarely actually cost a penny! )

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Are you saying I am only worth a penny?


or that you would give a penny for a quick photo with me in a small booth?


thanks for you support..





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Are you saying I am only worth a penny?


or that you would give a penny for a quick photo with me in a small booth?


thanks for you support..






I think I'd give up a little more than a penny to get you alone in any booth!

thou art a veritable medieval's dream!

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