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Atlanta snow storm!! ;-)


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hey, its cold here in texas right now too. Ive worn my fur most of the day today here on campus. Were supposed to have possible sleet soon and I odnt know when but maybe this week end here in central texas

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Must have been the Bears, ReFur!

I know they heard about you moving to Atlanta.


For the last few days, I thought they looked like they were concentrating really hard on something. Now I know what they were up to. They were making it snow for you!


You should go find your Bear and give him (or is it a She-Bear?) a nice big hug!

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...and it's supposed to be cold over the weekend too in the south. Running from Northern Georgia and into the Carolinas (forecast of 36 for Charlotte today), and beyond.


I only really look at the days that I have to go to work since it gets cold at the airport. Wish I could figure out a way to use fur there without taking a chance of getting it dirty (note: mechanic), freak out my co-workers, or scare a plane load of passengers.

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Then again, some of us living even further south will be running our air conditioning until Saturday night! But yes, the fur weather will be back in a few days...



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