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FUR, It's Cold Outside!


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To all the Animal Rights People I saw in Manhatten, I wasn't COLD in my full length crystal fox coat and hat today. I felt so WARM and not to mention PRETTY!!! Not to start any trouble but some vegetarians with too much time on thier hands decided to picket in front of Bloomie's today and give me a piece of thier mind, so this message is for those who wasted thier day shivering watching the beautiful people shop. Just buy a Fur Coat and enjoy life!

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Their numbers get smaller and smaller.


Ungar Furs in Portland is down to one scraggly and forlorn guy who no one pays any attention to.




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Glad I chose to go to Bloomie's today instead of yesterday! I wore my ranch mink coat to Barney's, Bloomies, and the Met today ... I received lots of admiring glances but no flak.

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Not sure if I ever said "welcome" to you. Hope you enjoy it here!


So great to have another fur wearing member here. We are getting more and more of those all of the time.



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Madison, when approached by fur hating zealots you should laugh at them just the same way citizens of "The World State" laughed at John the Savage in Aldous Huxley's book "A Brave New World."


Just point your finger, throw your head back and laugh as if you've never heard anything so funny in all your life then walk away and go about your business as if the "entertainment" is over.


I think that's the way ALL of these idiots need to be treated.

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Madison, when approached by fur hating zealots you should laugh at them just the same way citizens of "The World State" laughed at John the Savage in Aldous Huxley's book "A Brave New World."


Just point your finger, throw your head back and laugh as if you've never heard anything so funny in all your life then walk away and go about your business as if the "entertainment" is over.


I think that's the way ALL of these idiots need to be treated.


Laughing at someone just gives them the fuel to lie that you're all just snobs, who look down on everyone. You're just supporting their stereotype.


It would be better to treat them like a circus act.

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I took my wife to dinner the other night. We both wore our black minks. Hers a full length, mine a nice jacket. I had to stop at Home Depot on the way home. Only noticeable reactions were positive. In my almost 40 years of handling furs, I've never been approached by any anti-fur people. I saw plenty of maliciously damaged garments, mostly slashes, but never saw it done firsthand.

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I'm a regular at all the local builder shops like Home Depot, Granger and the like.


I always wear one of my fur lined jackets. Most are not too subtitle with the fur either.


I always get a big OK over my Blackglama lined hooded Carhart jacket.


Especially if there is another guy wearing a regular one


They always ask where the hell I got it.


I tell them it's a Special Edition.



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To all the Animal Rights People I saw in Manhatten,


I just got back from a vacation in the City. Give me some time to get caught up and I'll give you guys the full report.


But, here, I will give you the "Executive Summary":


The "Fur Scene" is alive and well in New York City!

No doubt in my mind!


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