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hi again, hope everyone had a good christmas

I never expected mine, searching thru newspapers lookingfor somewhere to live. yup, the "non fur lover" would like me to leave, separate-if u will.

so now i needs a place of my own.

SO, i think we will start with buying a furcoat or three and go from there

then furnishings can follow

would love to chat to fellow appreciators, especially those in the UK.

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welcome back gensil,


it's good to see the uk folks alive and posting. how's the fur climate out there?


merry christmas, happy kwanzaa, happy belated chanukah to all.



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Hi Gensil,

do not worry to much because you're not the only one looking for a place of his own.I'm in the same situation.

The next partner will be a furlover,no doubt....

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It is always great to hear from you as you always have such well thought out posts!


I as others am sorry to hear that you are having such problems at this time of year. Probably now Christmas will never be the same again for you either after going through this.


I truly wish you the best. We will all I am sure be thinking of both you and Pol as well here at the Den.


Remember, the Den is a place to just sit down and enjoy yourself. And let your troubles just float away for a little while. We hope that this helps you out right now.



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Gensilfoxx, I fear I am in a similar position but not quite at such an advanced stage.

I believe that I was winning her over with the introduction of a great Silver Fox stroller, a full length mink and a blue fox to die for.

Alas, there is no feeling / appreciation for the fur from her side and I need to explore further my penchant for a good looking woman in fur.

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well folks I don't mean to start a trend but I am on my 2nd Christmas/holiday w/o the love and companionship of a good woman...of course the previous 8 years with someone didn't didn't constitute a "good" woman as it turned out as her former freinds keep reminding me. Anyhow, thoughts and prayers go out to those who have already posted in hopes that you find furloving mates (at least those who enjoy it part of the time and tolerate it always. Good luck!!!



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welcome to "your new home" all i need now is the new home and a PC to go with.........

1) my coyote jacket, acquired today

2) my fox jacket also acquired today


i hope to have more soon.....any one got webcam

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That's really sad news Especially at this time of year. You will always have the folks here in the Den to give you support! The love of a woman who loves fur as much as we do, or who at least understands it, is something many of us are searching for, so you're not alone.


You never know what's around the corner, as my friends keep telling me!


If she didn't like fur, you are probably better off without her.


Sounds like you're moving on already with those great purchases! That's the spirit! What else are you after?

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, its nearly upon us! the move. a friend has looked kindly upon me to help me thru this "on my own" period

So, in the next few days i shall be on the move. taking with me all my own stuff and having my new furs delivered to my new home.

It will be great to chat to new friends and get to know people in "the den" and go from there

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I just went through this before Christmas. Must admit it does give some closure. BUT!! Moving really is not a "fun thing" under any conditions.


My thoughts are with you! When someone says, "I know how you feel," you know I do!



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I am glad that things seem to be going just a tiny bit better for you at least. I do not want to say "I know what you are going through" as obviously I do not! But I think that always in these times we all need to find the positive things and use them to move on.


It is great to hear that things are beginning to turn around for you!


White Fox

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Gensill, fur queen, and others out there going through separations or divorces my supportive thoughts are with you all. As someone who has been there, may you all soon find someone who shares both your love and love of fur. As difficult as these times can be they can also mark the beginning of knowing what you truly desire versus that which you've put up with for whatever reason. I'm greatful to finally be with someone who shares both loves and feel that there is another out there for everyone be they male or female. My epiphany if you call it that, came as a result of finally saying "Is it so wrong to want someone in your life who truly loves what you love?". Then realizing "Of course it's NOT". I think finally admitting what I truly wanted, without any implied guilt, set me free to honestly seek another . May you all soon find your new significant fur loving other or at worst have some incredibly soft adventures along the way. softest regards Furomance

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my first fur arrived at my new home.

if anyone does wanna chat-be nice to hear from them

and NOTE-i am not one of those who shows of my private parts!!! thanx

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