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Merry Christmas!


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Happy Holidays indeed to all here!


Just wanted to point out for our new folks that FrBrGr was the founder of this great site, and has stayed with it through thick and thin. Pretty much everything here is a result of his great dedication to this site.


Again, hope that everyone here has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



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*crawling out from under a pile of fur.................*


G'day Alllllllllll from the Land Downunder... (a pile of fox fur WEG)


And so life goes on and some things change whilst others remain steadfastly in their own lustre.


So from the Transient Mr Barguzin who once more arises from the ether.....


A Very Furry Christmas and a Happily Furry New Year.


Nowwww.... if you'll excuse me...... I shall return to my alchoholic imbibence and hope that sooner rather than later Santa is nice and gives me the abolity to return once more to the fray..... of fur as the case may be.




and remember that what may be black to you is undoubtedly white to someone else.... and the rest think it is one of the myriad shades of grey that we like to ignore... cause they is just too hard to figure out!



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I would like to add my Merry Xmas and Happy New Year out to all you fellow 'furzians'.


Its been a pleasure reading all the entries and being part of a like-minded community with a common interest / pleasure. May you all win Lotto next year and purchase that high-end dream we all would like.


Thankyou for being around



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Two things.


*First off. Piotr, "What the Hell are you doing using that ID again?" So great to have you back again!


*And secondly. You folks always need to remember that this place exists for you only and because of you only. There would be no Den at all if it were only we moderators and staff. The place would be nothing. What makes it really something is each and every one of you who have ever posted a message. It is you folk who are the real heroes here, keeping the Den's Wool and Fur area going, etc.


We as staff need to thank you folk. Also, I think we should use this time to point out that if you are a "Lurker" who has never "Posted", we really hope you will come in and join us. We are just like probably 99% of the people out there. We are probably just like "You"! If you will come on in and post and enjoy our little site, you in turn will benefit. And, in the process make this such a great home for both you and everyone else here.


There is no hidden agenda. It is just what you see. You will NEVER be bombarded with extra email, or have your privacy violated. We do take donations, but we do not ask for money for any part of this site, and never will, etc. It is just a place that you will really love!


Come on in and join us. It will end up being your best Christmas ever!


White Fox


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Being in the Christmas spirit(s) Happy Holidays from myself as well.


I do not celebrate these special days from a religious standpoint but I wish all who do (and everyone else) the very best.


Just driving around and watching the people come and go from the supermarket in their lovely lovely furry winter attire has granted a part of my Christmas 'wish' already. I hope everyone else finds theirs as well.

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Merry Christmas from the Bears!


We would like you to know that NORAD's tracking stations are fully operational this evening and the radar operators are tracking Santa and his reindeer as we speak!


All you kids! Hurry! Get into bed!


As of this post, Santa was just spotted over Barbados! Santa will be here soon!


If you want to know where he is right now you can go to:



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Nasty, OFF!


Thanks for sharing your inebreaatoraxious breath with us!


I chose to trade life energy for money today, adding some overtime to my next check. Incidentally I might have made my best sighting of the year. A someone at work I've never gotten to know

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