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Christmas. Ornaments. !?!?!?


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Oh my sweet lord.


I saw similar ornaments in Chicago last weekend. I paused and pondered but ultimately said "Nah!" (they really aren't all that well made ... I'm sure they're from China like everything else is these days) and moved on.

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Not sure I find Tropy Wife any more disturbing than Fur Coat Tree ornaments


The idea of a Trophy Wife site is an interesting concept. Maybe admitting to the reality is better than pretending to be a do gooder PeTAphile


I think many of the comments about the PeTA folks in her post are spot on as are a few of the responses.


Let's face it. Many wives of the very wealthy are Trophy Wives. Especially when the age difference is ten years or greater. Big guy fantasy but mostly holds a lie.


Truth in such cases is healthier than many true love marriages.



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The idea of a Trophy Wife site is an interesting concept. Maybe admitting to the reality is better than pretending to be a do gooder PeTAphile


You have a very interesting point. My question would be "is there a mission of twenty first century Trophy Wife subculture?". There certainly is a new generation of shamelessly fur-wearing fabulous independent women reaching their peak!


I'll be tuning in to the site.

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nothing against China, but you is right, China is everywhere...


I have some issues with purchasing items made in China (the environmental degradation that has become associated with China churning out millions of cheap products, etc.) ... But, you are right, China produced goods are impossible to avoid in the current retail environment. I have managed (to the best of my knowledge) to avoid buying any furs produced in China. My fur coats and accessories have all been produced in either North America or Europe.

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I have two keychains that are very similar to these ornaments...the coats open up and one's keys are inside.

They are made of sheared beaver, one pink, one red, and one cream coloured.

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