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My last fur

Guest OFF or Old Fur F##t

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I lie


However I have gone through my furs and discovered I have ones I'll never use or transform.


Time for an eBay sell off or OFF's fur sell down


There are enough furs to take me into the next decade with alterations and modifications with one or two major eBay buys to go.


I'm drowning [literally] in Foxes and with my new Red Fox spread in the Post I'll be quite busy.


For something that started with one or two small purchases I'm shocked at what has happened. Never would I have dreamed I would be so rich in furs


Got to prioritize my fur program now. Several are already being done and I have the next ones figured out. Just get the economy back on the rails.


Right now I'm one very happy Fur Lover




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Come on!!!! Your last, or even ONE OF YOUR LAST????? PLLLLLLLLLLEASE!!!


You're a hopeless furlover like the rest of us. The best you (we) can do is sllllllooooooow it down.


Here's a thought. Try selling your coats here or on FFG first. Avoid Ebay's and PayPal's rip-off fees on some of your coats.


Just a thought.



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