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New member in the den

Fur Ball

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I just joint the Fur Den, and I just wanted to say Hi.


I am a female and 38 years old from Denmark. I love all the soft fur I come in contact with. One of my favorit fur accessories is a full fox pelt arround my neck. It keeps me warm and happy all day long. I think I will fit in very well in this forum.


I didn't where to post, so I tried both forums, I hope you dont mind.


Love from Fur Ball

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Welcome indeed Fur Ball...


It is always so great to hear from new members here. We indeed look forward to hearing from you often in the future.


White Fox

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Thank you for a warm welcome and all your greetings.


My husband - Softcell - talked me into posting here at the den. It has been a long time since I needed to write in english - hope you understand my words anyway.


As I wrote earlier I have a passion for pelts, arround my neck - I have in my warddrope 21 different fox pelts - and I use them all during the cold season.


I have some friends, who owns a fox farm from where I bought several pelts. They are gorgeus. Danish girls just loves foxes


Love from Fur Ball

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