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Story for real or not??


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The story sounds plausible, but if it is a fake story what is the point? The fur is fake (faux). The price of the coat is way off what it would for a used faux coat, so again why?

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What a great idea... when it's time for my coyote coat to be 'put out to pasture', I'll just dump some red paint on it.... and those seam splits... ya' see, that's where the peta-assholes went at me with knives!!! Sounds much better than the dams pelts dried out and split!



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Methinks "Publicity Stunt."


Take one not-so-hot fake fur coat and spill some paint on it then sell it off for a ridiculous price on eBay just to draw attention to your eBay seller site and, hopefully, get bids on your other items.


People have done stupider things before.


Look at the pattern of the paint spill.

Does it look like it was thrown or was it dripped, "Jackson Pollock style," onto the coat from above?

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Well, they won my attention to their auction when ordinarily I'd definitely walk on by an article listed as faux.


It makes me wonder. When I was an undergraduate, I walked through the biology department's museum. It featured a hummingbird snagged on cactus spines. The story they gave of it was that he was engaged in a courtship flight over a lady hummer that was sitting on the cactus, lost control and ended up stuck on the spines. Makes for a wonderful avian Romeo and Juliet story maybe, but I was left wondering if the collector had actually seen this happen or just found the creature that way. In the latter case, it seems more likely a loggerhead shrike had been out hunting early in the morning and found the hummingbird in a torper. Off he flew with the hummingbird in his bill to the shrike food processor and before he returned to his hummingbird skewer the collector happened by.


Anyway, it kind of beats the moving-to-Florida so sacrificing this lovely fur (or faux) narrative I'm so tired of.


No! I'm not bidding!



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I think it is a PETA vertising- effort

-a head feint and veiled threat by a PETA-on

Kind of" Yes ! if you buy furs we will strike you!"

I's cheap and effective (?) advertising that generates PETA buzz.



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My suspicions are that this is a publicity angle to attract a certain sort of buyer. Takes all kinds though of course, and who knows, someone may buy it although I doubt it will be a fur fan, even a faux one.

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