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They are certainly 2 of the better looking SC gals we've seen recently.






Now all we need is some good looking girls wearing furs that aren't dollar store rejects.

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If I had never seen a fur, and was shown one of those cheap, thin strip foxes, I'd never have become interested in fur. We need to collect all of those and destroy them, they are horrid.

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No matter how poor or how nice the fur, if they are visually associated with skanky people nobody will like fur either. Triboy's proverbial person who has never seen fur would tend to think only skanky trailer trash wear furs.


Although the furs are not top quality the girls are certainly above average on the SC scale.

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HI Guys..


Sorry, i might be having a blonde moment or I may just be missing the point..


are we saying that the fur looks cheap or the girls, or is it the style of the shoot?




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The Fur.. o.k.


I had to shoot a custom video today where I had to wear a fur into the shower..wet-fur, I had a hard time doing it... it almost broke my heart.. but the fur was a gift from the person who commissioned the photos set....


maybe if I had some cheap furs I amy have given this theme a go before...




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