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Fur sighting at work today (and the temp was upto +16C)


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Well wasn't really expecting ANY fur at all where I work.... walked in this morning older lady wearing a very nice white fox stroller... nice THICK pelts too.. nice big collar too... nice to see! The funny thing is... it was 50 degrees outside this morning, and later was up into the 60s!! My first outdoor sight, besided me a few weeks ago when it dropped to 0...

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Yes.. its even funnier how the weather works here... I got up this morning, its -1 and a light dusting of snow on the ground... as much as I love fur, I sure do hate winter...

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A cold spell is forecast for the Northeast this weekened. I think FUR will come out in force Saturday in New York City, Boston and other cities. I can't wait to wear a Full Lenth Coat outside!!!

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I was in southeast Spain with Ms Mockle over the weekend. It was pleasantly warm there during the days - probably around 18C - and I saw a couple of rabbit fur jackets being worn while the sun was out. The nights brought out a few more fur jackets (mostly rabbits and a few minks) although it wasn't that cold then either. The boutiques had some nice furs for sale - must go back there later in the winter and visit the furriers when they are open.


I've seen a few furs around London a couple of weeks back; might be more out now that it's getting colder.



Mr Mockle

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I also love winter. I also love wearing fur in the house (365 days). Here in my new place I have apartments on both sides and top (first floor of a garden apartment. Maybe I will not have to turn on the expensive electric heat execpt when showering now down to once a week. Yesterday it was warm so I took a shower. With no right foot its not fun to get into shower. I had a shower chair but the first time I used it here the legs broke. So now I have a bench in shower

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Sorry to hear about you losing your foot Furup! Hope you are getting along ok. (I do realize though that this is a comment that probably only a person who still has his right foot can make!)


Good luck!



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Adding some color here. Despite its being season for furs, I've always rather dreaded winter, even though in only one winter of my life was I in a climate where there really was winter. Maybe one thing that magnetizes me to furs is that they create a barrier against the worst of winter.


Other than my fur fetish, though, I love it warm. I love the food that's fresh through the summer. I like summer outdoor kinds of activities. There's some compensation for the change in seasons, else I'd REALLY be unhappy this time of year.

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Hey sounds like me... my life revolves around outdoor summer competitive sports.... fur is my barrier against winter, plus its nice snuggling up to I also love the warmth... well others dread 80 degree days, I live for them.. I almost feel when wearing fur it warms me up like a warm summer day regardless of what its doing outside.. I like that.


Looks like the temperatures here are finally inthe cold zone.. -8C here now, snow forecast tomorrow.... I guess its here to stay... might as well get used to it for another 5 months...




Adding some color here. Despite its being season for furs, I've always rather dreaded winter, even though in only one winter of my life was I in a climate where there really was winter. Maybe one thing that magnetizes me to furs is that they create a barrier against the worst of winter.


Other than my fur fetish, though, I love it warm. I love the food that's fresh through the summer. I like summer outdoor kinds of activities. There's some compensation for the change in seasons, else I'd REALLY be unhappy this time of year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I spent much of the past week in the relatively warm South ... Returned home last night to frigid temperatures. It was 16 degrees F when I went in to work this morning. Brrr. I'm curled up on the sofa under wonderfully warm faux mink at the moment.


I'm going to be in Chicago this weekend and Saturday the temperature is not expected to rise above 30. I have a feeling I will not be the only fur clad individual checking out the holiday windows at Macy's on State Street (how I wish I could type Marshall Field's!).


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Well right now in Winnipeg with the windchill its -32C Yes MINUS 32C... I don't even want to go outside in that fur or not!! And to think a few weeks ago I was doing summer sport activities outside...

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It's unbelievably cold here right now. While out strolling along the lakefront in my Finn Raccoon coat yesterday I noticed that the lake has already started freezing over -- There was ice ~25 feet from the shoreline. All I can say right now is ... Brrr and I love my furrr.

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