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Any Second Life residents among our members?


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AK, would you like to explain to us what this is?
As it appears most here are unaware of Second Life, that is a very good suggestion.


From the Second Life website ( http://secondlife.com/whatis/ ):

What is Second Life?

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely created by its Residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by millions of Residents from around the globe.

* From the moment you enter the World you'll discover a vast digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity. Once you've explored a bit, perhaps you'll find a perfect parcel of land to build your house or business.

* You'll also be surrounded by the Creations of your fellow Residents. Because Residents retain the rights to their digital creations, they can buy, sell and trade with other Residents.

* The Marketplace currently supports millions of US dollars in monthly transactions. This commerce is handled with the in-world unit-of-trade, the Linden dollar, which can be converted to US dollars at several thriving online Linden Dollar exchanges.


For more info, follow the link provided above and check out the many links provided there.

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Actually, I read an article about Second Life a few months ago. If I recall correctly, it was about a recently married gentleman (and I use that term loosely) who was, much to the dismay of his wife, having an online Second Life "affair" with a woman in another state. They went so far as to "marry" in their alternate universe (which kinda helped explain his wife's dismay, especially given that he was spending his evenings at the keyboard versus with her). I had never given it much thought, but Second Life could be kinda cool if I could procure my dream wardrobe of sables and lynxes. Is there a Second Life Revillon salon?

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I had never given it much thought, but Second Life could be kinda cool if I could procure my dream wardrobe of sables and lynxes. Is there a Second Life Revillon salon?


There COULD be! That's the beauty of Second Life. It can be almost anything we want it to be.

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Is there a Second Life Revillon salon?
Not that I am aware of. But if you could design some realistic looking fur garments for avatars, you could setup a shop in Second Life to sell your creations.
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  • 2 weeks later...

For now Fur Den's plenty of escape from reality for me. I've got so much needing my attention in brick and mortar town. Not a wife to get jealous here, still I believe I could get rather lost doing virtually nothing or virtually everything in cyber make-believe.


Best wishes to those going to Second Life!



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I had never given it much thought, but Second Life could be kinda cool if I could procure my dream wardrobe of sables and lynxes. Is there a Second Life Revillon salon?


As a furrier, I recognise a good opportutiny when I see one. A few months ago, when I first heard of Second Life I subscribed but I found it difficult to follow, and I did not have much time to commit to it. However I knew that a Virtual Fur Salon would be really cool and would help business (if there are not many Peta Second Life members who would attack it instantly hehe)


I tried to contact them through the online contact form about requirements on opening a virtual salon, but I got no reply. I guess it would be really cool but extremely difficult to make... If anyone else got any clews on how I could work this thing let me know cause I am still interested.

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Agreed -- A virtual furrier would be awesome. Maybe they could invent some incredible new furs while they were at it. Maybe a sable like pelt with 4.5" long fur.

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I believe the hardest part of becoming a Second Life furrier would be locating or designing textures that would look appropriate as fur clothing for avatars.

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I've read that creating realistic looking animated animal fur (like in Disney flicks) is very complex/involved. (But definitely worth the effort in my book!)

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Computerized fur like the aforementioned "Sully Fur", the holy grail of rendered fur is actually created by means of a particle system.


The object (or creature) is created as a furless "mesh" upon which thousands and thousands of points are mapped out. Then, by means of mathematical manipulation, their locations are moved away from their starting points and the "trails" left behind are drawn as the result.


Just imagine thousands of tiny meteors moving through space, leaving streaks behind.


Then, to make the fur swirl, create a vector field through which the particles must pass in their flight.


Do this over and over again, 24 times per second. When you have rendered every frame, you have a movie. Simple right?


Secondarily, if you know how to use Photoshop, you can use the "Grain" filter and then the "Motion Blur" filter to creat a fur like effect. It's not always convincing but it's a lot quicker and easier to do than rendering.


If you want a program that can do 3-D rendering, try Blender.



It's very powerful and it's free. But, be forewarned! It's a very difficult program to learn how to use.


A while back, there was a thread where I made several test renders of fur effects in 3-D.


Check it out here:


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