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Beautiful Catalog ...


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Their photo program unfortunately takes too long to load so they would lose a whole lot of customers because of that. However, once you get in there are some great ideas in there indeed.


They seem to have a lot of "Modern styles for the young" that are still warm and luxurious. Not crappy fox dyed yellow or such stuff. These are things that people would actually think about buying.



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I've got bandwidth coming out the wazoo at the location I'm looking at that site right now and I STILL have to wait for it!


This is a classic case of a business who bought a bill of goods from a so-called "web designer" who built a beautiful looking site then showed it to his client via an internal network connection where bandwidth isn't an issue. But the business owners never bother to look at their own site once it's been released into the wild.


Chances are, they don't even KNOW this problem exists. If they do, they are not likely to know the scale of it. They have no idea that they are losing customers and that their website isn't producing the results they paid good money for.


I suggest that we all send the business a note to the effect, "I'm trying to read your website but I can't because it takes too long!"

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If you have spent 'any time' dealing with 'any' tech support, that's always what they say. The only way I've gotten over on them is to play 'computer stupid' and then hit them with responses or questions (once they start trying to explain something) the likes of which a co-worker or another IT person would ask them. It can be fun to make help desk people feel small sometimes. (Back on topic though..)

It is a nice layout but you do have a good idea by contacting an actual person with the store and explaining what internet browsers are experiencing when attempting to view their information. A person can normally get better feedback/ responses when talking with an actual person.

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A true entrepreneur is one who's willing to listen to customers or prospective customers. It boosts one reputation and sales. If they don't listen, it's their business that'd hurt.


I've decided not to bother loading it hearing all the waiting folks have mentioned.



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I'm going to send them a message.


If you can load the page you should try. Then send them a message too.


We do have 3,000 members on this website. Can you imagine how their heads would spin if they got 3,000 e-mails all telling them their site stinks?




Not all our members are going to take the time to post a message to some random guy at any given company but it sure is fun to think about!



The site IS very nice once you get a chance to look at it and there are some nice pictures of furs.

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Frugal, it is not that bad if you are on high speed. 30 to 45 seconds maybe as I recall. And once it is loaded you see all of the pictures. BUT... you do need to wait awhile right at the beginning.


Well worth waiting for if you are on high speed somehow. If on dialup, I think you might not want to wait!



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...and a page or two later, there is a small pic of a woman in black mink, the mink sliding off her shoulder (well, in my imagination, of course!)


earlier, there is a beautiful pic of the dark-haired model wearing a blond mink in reclining position! that, also, stirs the imagination!

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