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Let's talk About Fur, Leave The Rest to Your Theripist!


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I recently read a Topic about Masks, Moderators and things that had NOTHING to do with Fur! Personally, I like anybody else have things I like and dont like, things I rather not see or see, but My opinion is not so important to me that I would carry on an arguement for a couple of hours on a website,I started a Group that is geared more toward my Stance but I support the stance here as well. People have made comments about my posts that I may disagree with but I do not often argue with them, I respect thier opinion. I agreed to the rules when I came back to this website to discuss one of my great Joys in Life, FUR. If I was someone who questioned the rules I would not waste my time here. Personally, I would hope that We all as a FAMILY here would get back to FUR and only FUR. The FUR DEN "The Website Dedicated To The Appreciation Of Fur" Even though I have only been back here a Month I am a Veteren of this Site and Melody O'Hair. I know that My fellow VETERANS only wanted to talk about FUR or lighten things up with a Laugh once in a while. We will always have a disagreement, but we had it politely and kept the focus of it to FUR. Its SUMMERTIME and interest tends to drift away a little from FUR this time of the year. If we are to be Good Ambassadors of The Fur Industry we need to show everyone how much we LOVE FUR, LOVE WEARING FUR, LOVE SEEING FUR, to show those who do not believe yet, HOW GREAT FUR IS! Lets NOT drive MORE people away!!! Touch Of Sable, I share many of the same interests with you, I value your input here, I think you are an important part of our family, but I do not condone bickering. I hope that you will stay with Us in Harmony.

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No need for this, why not use the pm facility....



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Actually Furelli I disagree with you on this to a point at least. Hey, not the first time eh?


I do think that Madison has a point. That is that this is a place to have fun. And I do hope that members here always feel free to give us suggestions for this place either by PM as Furelli suggested or by posts like that of Madison. Sometimes you may indeed see things like that talked about in the Back Room Forum as well.


We certainly do need to make improvements here. We all know that. And, we are always looking for suggestions. I also think that it is extremely important that this site be fun. Almost without fail, the moment that it becomes "serious" we begin to see problems arising from members who are upset, etc.


***I also want to stress that though I mentioned that I disagree with Furelli, I do agree to a certain point. I am pretty sure that he will agree with the above. Furelli, feel free to comment further as I do not want to "Put words in your mouth" so to speak. I think that you are saying that even Madison's post is a bit too serious.


I do think that both Madison and Furelli are saying "Have fun on the site and don't take it too seriously" but are saying it in different ways. And if that is what they are saying, they could not be any closer to my thoughts as well.


I also like a quote from Madison. She sums it up pretty well here...

If we are to be Good Ambassadors of The Fur Industry we need to show everyone how much we LOVE FUR, LOVE WEARING FUR, LOVE SEEING FUR, to show those who do not believe yet, HOW GREAT FUR IS!


Sorry that I am extremely short on time today.


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np wf, not quite what I was driving at, your sentiment is about right & as much as I don't really want to really get into it... you have started to draw me out here though....


my only comment in public would be, is really, to what purpose does dragging this up into the open again serve? if you have a problem Maddie why not jus voice your concerns to all those that were embroiled in the tete-de-tete....... maybe not all of us agree on the content of the posting or how this was moderated or indeed handled in an open forum but at least we've kept it to ourselves or behind closed doors....

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Argument and disagreement are not bad things by themselves. In fact, it's quite the opposite. If everybody agreed all the time, there would be no point in life. Anybody who says he gets along with everybody is either a psychopath or a liar. To live is to disagree with people sometimes.


On the other hand, if the situation degrades to the point where people are arguing just for the sake of arguing, that is counter productive. Nothing good can come of it. People will just keep getting more and more upset until there is nothing but bodies left on the battlefield.


Nothing can come of it but a Pyrrhic victory, at best.


To paraphrase the great general, Sun Tsu, sometimes the best battle tactic is not to start a battle in the first place.




Therefore One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skillful. Seizing the enemy without fighting is the most skillful.


I hope people will realize that we are at the point where nothing more can be gained by fighting.

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I was asked a question. I gave an answer. Remove it by all means; it your perogative and I will not object. In fact I will remove it myself . It was conciliatory though and I merely stated my position was never to dirupt; I love fur, and that I accpet that the mods have authority; but I have tried to make some suggestions that is all. Maybe I will just leave it at that.


There shall be no more trouble from me.

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Sorry Furelli. I reread things again. What I was saying was that I agreed that we often get too serious here. If we all have fun and talk of furs this will be a far better place. I was not wanting to make any comments against any individual. I simply read that message as saying that all members and staff take this place way too seriously instead of having fun. I did not see it as being a comment against any individual.



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