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A Mystifying Math Trick


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Here is a math trick that is just driving me nuts. I can't figure out how it works. It works for any three plus four digit telephone number, like we have here in the US (excluding the area code). I don't think it will work for any other combination.


Anybody care to explain what the numeric relationships are? This is pretty nifty!


First of all, grab a calculator - You probably won't be able to do this one in your head - !


1. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)

2. Multiply by 80

3. Add 1

4. Multiply by 250

5. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number

6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.

7. Subtract 250

8. Divide number by 2


Do you recognize the answer ??


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We have a six digit number.

Are we supposed to get our phone number with an extra digit in it?


I assume maths only works properly in the USA from this.


Anyway looks like witchcraft to me.

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math is my other expertize (besides fur)

so here is a brief solution


The equition described is :

x the 3 first numbers of the phone number

y the 4 last numbers of the 7-digit phone number


[(x*80 +1)*250 + 2y - 250]/2 =

20000x + 250 + 2y -250]/2 =

10000x + y


Now from this part I bet it is really easy to figure it out :

Lets say the number is 5556789




10000X + Y= 5550000 + 6789 = your phone number! Magic!!!

Edited by Guest
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I can make a rough guess but I still don't get this:

Count up to ten on your toes. Now count them backwards. Your fifth toe back is number SIX.


That freaked me out when I was four years old and freaks me out still today. I am sure horse people use th span to measure horses as this starnge fact enables them o exagerate the size of their horses lol


As for mailonfurs; burn him he is a witch.

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You're dead on, Kostas! I sent this over to the math department at the University, and that was precisely their solution! - except you explained it better . . .

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I can count up to 21!


I've always thought math tricks were kinda' fun.

I'm no mathemetician, by any means, but I just like figuring things out like that.

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You're dead on, Kostas! I sent this over to the math department at the University, and that was precisely their solution! - except you explained it better . . .


Thank you


PS: Science is modern witchcraft (for touchofsable)

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Well actually Mailon I trust witchcraft more; at last witches don't persecute scientists (see my last entry under nappy headed hoes) or claim they are made of wood therfore if they float they are a witch therefore should be burned.


My big problem with math is that it is NOT a science, but rather, a language.

two apples plus two apples is four apples, but it may not be four granny smiths, which is what I need to know.

So it isn't a language I use much lol!

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I can count up to 21!


Errr......... How do you DO that Worker? Do you have an extra finger or toe or something.


It's Ok..... I've got it!! you must count your nose as well


let me see........ten, ten, and the nose, one...........That's it 21!! Thanks worker, I can do maths now

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There is an old question about human anatomy. It is so very simple and so many people get the answer wrong. No one can quite figure why. Kindergarten kids could mostly answer it yet adults get it wrong every time!


What is big and round and sticks out of a man and you can hang your hat on it?


The answer of course is


His head


Probably Worker was counting his head...



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