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German Fur video


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Nice vid ... thanks for posting. Does anyone know the story line in the vid? The shopper does not look too thrilled in the first part. What's going on?


Anyone know? Anyone? Bueller?

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Ive tried to play it but it wont play on my Work pc is it possible i can download it somehow some one please help



Regards SA_Mink (South African Mink)

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** Ka-Ching! **


I don't know why there is no sound in those videos. They are in Flash, the original high-bandwidth, low quality video format. Maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe the sound wasn't even encoded into the video in the first place. I don't know for sure.

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This woman in the video reminds me so much of others I see at the furiers when I am out shopping...sort of blase about the whole experience. "Well, I am not sure...it is kind of heavy, and I am not sure when or where I will wear it, etc". I for one have NEVER understood this, but it is unfortunately all too common. Nice images though, especially all of the furs on the rack aht she did not try on.

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Buying and wearing fur is an experience that most people who have never done it approach with extreme caution for a variety of reasons.


Probably the biggest reason is the sheer indulgence. Most of us are taught not to be self-indulgent and even though we may have decided to overlook that thought once in a while, it is always there.


So we think of reasons not to act that way and try to talk ourselves out of it. All of this is just simply a rite of passage. We may visit a furrier several times before we've tired of talking ourselves out of it and are ready to go ahead and treat ourselves to a fur coat.


Remember, the first one is always the toughest. Once you have a fur coat and have gotten past the self-deprecation bugaboos, then it is much easier to shop for others.

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Many times I have found buyers have a particular fur in mind. One they let go and always regretted it.


They forever have this fur on a pedestal and no other fur measures up.


And, sometimes they know they cannot afford it.


Another reason is to negotiate better. You do not want to have the seller know how excited you are, or they will not give you their best price.



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Great point. I was on an outing with some friends just the other day, and this very topic was discussed...the fact that so many women do believe that doing or having anything nice for themselves is a no-no. Also, the idea that standing out from the crowd and not being a part of The Group, however that is defined for each woman plays a part.

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There are as many reasons for things as there are people, except that due to schizophrenia, there are more reasons than there are people.


Anyhow, my point was that the type of indulgence presented by a fur, often has to be "danced" into. Each purchaser is going to do the dance just a bit differently but 99% of the time, the dance will end with a purchase. People who have no intention of buying are usually very poor dancers.


It is important for sales people to understand this and assist the "dancing" customer by empathizing and taking the shopper's actions very seriously. The idea is to keep the process moving so that at some point the shopper will become a buyer, even if it is someplace else because you never know what will happen.

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