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Red leather jacket with red fox fur collar


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In fall 2007, I was a student at San Diego City College, which is right next to downtown San Diego.  I was 23 at the time.  I had a chemistry 100 class that started at 8 AM, which was taught by Nancy Crispen.  She only had a master's degree but it was from Harvard and I found it funny that several students referred to her as Dr. Crispen.  You are only called doctor if you have a Ph.D.  Crispen always spoke like she was running out of breath.  Anyway, there was a young Asian lady in the class.  She was Chinese American and very Americanized.  She may have been a devout Christian.  Her plan was to transfer from City College to Point Loma Nazarene University to pursue a Bachelor's in Nursing degree.  In the past, she was hospitalized and the doctors had to operate on her head.  She said the kindness of the nurses inspired her to become a nurse.  Anyway, one day, to my surprise and utter delight, she showed up to class wearing a red leather jacket with a collar made of natural wild red fox fur.  She looked beautiful and radiant in the jacket.  She told me a friend gave her the jacket.  Crispen had a displeased look on her face upon seeing the jacket.  Crispen was one tough teacher.  We had big wildfires in San Diego County that fall.  The college cancelled multiple days of classes due to ash falling from the sky.  When we returned to classes, Crispen made our mid-term exam extra long just to make up for lost time.  We were allowed to do the exam outside of class.  I spent 5 hours doing that exam at home and still wasn't finished.  I had to wake up extra early to arrive at the college and finish the exam before the class started.  Fun times.

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