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Chat message history

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I thought about adding this as a response to neo's request in the main forum, but this is so specific I thought it would be better suited here. And I'm probably the only one that's tried to do this. So feel free to give it a corresponding weight in urgency.


I've tried downloading/copying the chat history a couple times now. But in the "pop-up" window (when you press the "message history" button in a pm window) it doesn't show what I've said, only other users. Is it possible to change this? Or is this just some weird default of the chat software?


Thanks ahead of time.

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I believe you found a design quirk of the chat software. neoJaguar may have a solution for you, but to my knowledge, the only complete chat log is only available to admins.

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I'm not sure to be honest. The chat hasn't updated recently, and there's not much in the settings I can change. Like AK said - Admins have full transcripts, but past that I dunno.

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It wouldn't be "full transcripts". All I'd really like to be able to do is save some of the better conversations that I've had in private messages with individuals as something to look back on.

But for some odd reason, the message history omits what I've said.

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It seems the programmer of the chat software assumes you know what you said and you only need to save what others said.

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Hahaha! It seems so. But there's no way I'll be able to remember what I said years from now. Or heck, even months or weeks from now.

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