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Your quiz...

White Fox

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OK folks. If you google this you just spoil the fun for yourself and everyone else here. Please do NOT do that. You just spoil it for everyone. Let's leave this as a little quiz and see how quickly those here from this area or other places can answer the question. It should be EXTREMELY easy for those from that area. First one on should get it.


Here is a little quiz for our friends from the US.


One of your states is named ..... Pennsylvania. Your question is. Where did that name come from? (Hint - It is two words put together. What are those two words?)


First person on, please just post the two words in a reply on this thread...



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Since i have made the state of my fathers birth, my current home. I have to answer this quiz. its means "Penn's land" . from william Penn.



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Actually, it's "Penn's Woods," or "Penn's Woodlands." King Charles gave William Penn a tract of land as the payment of a debt owed to Penn's father. As I recall, Penn originally wanted to call it "Sylvania."

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Craaflyinavn jnf anzrq nsgre Jvyyvnz Craa. Gur anzr zrnaf "Craa'f Jbbqf."


Pennsylvania was named after William Penn. The name means "Penn's Woods."

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You all got it. FrBrGr's post especially but all are on the right track. The two words really I was looking for were ...... Penn's Sylvania.


So it gradually got called that more and more and gradually was shortened down to Pennsylvania. I guess somewhere back in there "Sylvania" must have meant "Woods" somehow. Latin I think.


I told you that one would be easy!


Dam. Now I gotta think of another one that is harder.


Two drunks were sitting on a ....


Well I've leave that one for another day.



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I GUESSED only the last part and some how I thought "Transylvania" for the second part of Pennsylvania. Don't ask me why, I have NO idea. Nice history lesson from other members though.


So what about other states like Alabama, Nevada, Montana, Rhode Island, Kentucky or Florida? I have NO idea on any of these states' names, or my own home state of California for that matter.


I'm kind of brain dead now. Grades are turned in.





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Did I tell the one about the mushroom who walks into a bar? REALLY I can't remember if I relayed that one to the den.


It's a groaner, but it's funny.



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California is the Spanish name for a mythical place inhabited by Amazons.


Yup... Sounds about right!

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