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Fiance's Sister is coming to visit


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Hey Guys,

So my fiance's sister is coming to visit for a week and she will stay at our place. Now here I am debating if I should tell her about our furs, because one, I dont want to lock them away for a full week and two, she might stumble upon them eventually since our apartment isnt that big.

What would you do in my situation, and how would you go about telling her? She loves animals a lot btw.

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Since I am not in your, situations and probably want be finding myself in it any time soon. I do not know how much help I can be.


I would expect that you (as in you and your fiancé) use the furs out and about, in public so to say. In that case I would probably think it is best to leave them out, if they are only used in private, I would maybe keep them in the bedroom, at least for that week. I would not really expect that someone would go in to others bedroom without being asked to, and it is after all a private place.


The positive thing about letting them hang out so to speak is that it is not something that you need to hide, and it is possible to get a frank chat about them. If neither you or you fiancé feel shame for that you like furs then why hide it. Siblings need to respect one another.


But I would think that your fiancé do know best how her sister would react, and whether or not to keep them looked away. That the sister do love animal a lot is not in my view the same as they do not accept others love of fur.


But as I did say, I do not have any experience with this so, I am probably not the right person to give good advice on this.

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Yeah agree with the above comment. If you know for sure that this is something that is going to cause a rift in both your relationship with her due to her views, it is your apartment and something you're passionate about, so might as well be open about it and have it where you usually would. Maybe not out in the open, but don't hide it.

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Thank you for your replies so far, but there is another twist to this that i forgot to mention: It's a surprise visit, her sister specifically asked not to tell my fiance about it. 

So consulting with her is not really an option right now.

I will have to trust in my rhetoric skills and let her sister know about it. She'd find out eventually, so why not tell her already. I'll let you know how it went!


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Then I wish you luck. 

Hope it works out for the best for all of you, being honest with family is often the hardest when it come to loves like ours.

hope your future sister-in-law will be cool and you will have a great visit. 🙏

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You might consult your fiance in a general manner. Like "What do you think, would you tell your mum or your sister about your fur coat?" From there you can explore her inclination towards keeping your fetish secret or not.

I assume it is a full-fledged fetish, which means it is definitely part of your (you and your fiance?) personality. Framing it like this is also an option. This doesn't mean you don't love animals.

Your fiance might also just wear out a fur coat as if it is normal. Where are you from? Is fur more or less common over there?

How much do you have to hide? Just two coats and some gloves or a truckload of softness?

Edited by LeComte
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Alright, thanks all for your inputs, I have an update for you;

We (the sister and I) frequently talk about fashion, so I casually asked her what she thought  about fur coats. Her initial reaction was an expected one: she doesn't like it because she feels sad for the animals. So i brought up that she also eats meat which is the same thing basically, her reply was that for meat animals, they use the whole animal instead of just the fur (which in my opinion is a ridiculous argument because to the animal it doesnt matter if everything was used or not, its just as dead. there's not more or less dead xd). So i told her thats not necessarily true because some fur animal carcasses get fruther processed for animal fodder or also used to make oils. so then naturally she asked my why i asked so i said "well because i think they look nice and we also have some at home, but i assure you that they all come from well controlled farms where the animals were treated well". she replied with something along the lines of "its your thing if you want to own or wear them, im not going to say anything against it". 

And thats basically where our conversation ended.

A couple days later, while in a call with my fiance and her sister i mentioned to my fiance that i told her sister about our fur coats. my fiance then asked her sister if she wanted to see or touch them and she replied with "no im good".

So there you have it. I am a little sad that she's not interested in trying one on but oh well, it is not for everyone I guess. But who knows what will happen once she's here 🙂

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12 hours ago, Cyclobasti said:

Va bene, grazie a tutti per i vostri input, ho un aggiornamento per voi;

Noi (io e la sorella) parliamo spesso di moda, quindi le ho chiesto casualmente cosa ne pensasse delle pellicce. La sua reazione iniziale è stata quella prevista: non le piace perché si sente triste per gli animali. Quindi ho detto che anche lei mangia carne, che in fondo è la stessa cosa, la sua risposta è stata che per gli animali da carne usano l'intero animale invece della sola pelliccia (che secondo me è un argomento ridicolo perché per l'animale non importa se tutto è stato usato o no, è altrettanto morto, non c'è più o meno morto xd). Quindi le ho detto che non è necessariamente vero perché alcune carcasse di animali da pelliccia vengono ulteriormente lavorate per il foraggio per animali o utilizzate anche per produrre oli. quindi, naturalmente, mi ha chiesto perché l'ho chiesto, quindi ho detto "beh, perché penso che siano carini e ne abbiamo anche alcuni a casa, 

Ed è praticamente qui che è finita la nostra conversazione.

Un paio di giorni dopo, durante una telefonata con il mio fidanzato e sua sorella, ho detto alla mia fidanzata che avevo parlato a sua sorella delle nostre pellicce. il mio fidanzato ha poi chiesto a sua sorella se voleva vederli o toccarli e lei ha risposto con "no sto bene".

Così il gioco è fatto. Sono un po' triste che non sia interessata a provarne uno, ma vabbè, non è per tutti, immagino. Ma chissà cosa succederà una volta che sarà qui 🙂

In the end it was easier than expected and you got a neutral opinion on the fur topic... Which given the times is already excellent, so you won't have to try to hide them

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